Sunday, August 15, 2010

60 minutes rbs bankers

The whistle blower from royal bank of Scotland in Switzerland
might be in prison but he could still by law collect the sort of reward i blog about here any way
to the tune of tens of millions.

Friday, July 30, 2010

over 8 trillion

the government now admits they don't know where the money went .
but someone does so we should start to ask where are the whistle blowers?
after all nobody knew the real name of deep throat until he was ready
if your reading this and you can blow the whistle you should do it ....
do it smartly like deep throat if you must but a better version is John Perkins
who ditched fear in favor of love and really cracked the zone of silence.

Monday, July 5, 2010

weather control

damages inflicted by weather thats been manipulated is possible
and thats been known since the 60's
so dont be suprised if the powers that control the weather
jiffy up a hurricane in the gulf and steer it where its gonna have the most impact
here at this site im calling for whistleblowers
to leak information about this if its happening
regardless of money sure your compelled to say nothing in public...
its better if you stay a behind the scenes whiltleblower....
but then again john perkins is still alive...